uLaunch Mod (amiibo)
uLaunch is cool but it really could use a quick amiibo select button 😉
I noticed that uLaunch would let you run AAA title in background the would stay on,
while I was running homebrew. So I thought would it load amiiboswap to? And yes it does 😀
Here is a quick video I made using Shovel Knight (Treasure Trove) as example.
Working mod, for my self! 😀
-Amiibo Swap (v1) I use (v1.1b GBAtemp account needed!)
Amiibo Swap most be in this folder: /switch/AmiiSwap/AmiiSwap.nro
If you use Amiibo’s in a game that needs to store data back to the amiibo disable Random UUID
Next thing to learn add the About button back in, i modded that to launch Amiibo Swap
Ok found out how it works:
Added something new to, easy FTPd access!
Compiling it now…
And it is working 🙂