June 25

New Mp3 player for my Touchscreen Radio.

 Last week i tried DWjukebox on my Touchscreen Radio,
the read me file states that it will not work with a touchscreen or mouse above windows xp
So i lost all my touchscreen goodness if i use that program.
I did a search for alternative for it but could’t find any good that looked good enough for standalone player….
So i decided to code my own version in Visual Studio 2010 (VB)
It works very easy:
 First time you run the program you will need to setup the Database.
I do this by making a simple TXT file containing the location of the files.
First select the location of you mp3 files:
Example users/My Music
Then Press the button Prepare TXT and wait until the console screen closes it self and
you return to the first screen.
The program will use a predetermined folder for saving the TXT file.
if you click the Use Mp3 TXT file you will be pointed in to the right folder.
Just select the mp3list.txt and the contend of the txt file will be loaded in to the database.
You can check it and I suggest you do this the first time you Run the program.
When you don’t check the database the Jukebox player will not load the database.
But if you close (click the 25 cent button) and restart it will load the Jukebox and the database
directly. This is a little bug and is in reality very easy to fix only did’t do it for now.
Honestly its not that a big bug because it will only happen at first setup. After setup it will correct
the bug at loading.

Demo video, sorry for no original music from the video.
The source code and the project files are available on Github.
A compiled version can be Downloaded here: Touchscreenmp3Radio
April 8

Half Life² Survivor 2.0 Nesys Simulator App Wip

Here is a construct of my new Half Life² loader.
I bought a Rfid reader and now i want to simulate the arcade feeling more.

In later clips you will see the custom player menu´s weapon shop item shop etc.

This clip shows the possible way´s to save or load the game.

Will add a option for dual screens so you can have a marquee effect:
show loading maps have player info etc…

this app/loader will give you the beste Half life² survivor arcade experience that you can have on pc.


Category: Coding, Design, DIY, Games, hl², Homebrew, Mod´s, PC, RFID | Comments Off on Half Life² Survivor 2.0 Nesys Simulator App Wip
June 14

A friend of my got scammed by fake Microsoft..

How to get in your PC after Microsoft Scammers F*ck your PC!
Today I got the Chance to Play around with a Scammed Pc of a friend.
Heard a few times about this scam but never had the chance to see it.
My first boot showed me the Password screen..
So i...

How to get in your PC after Microsoft Scammers F*ck your PC!

Today I got the Chance to Play around with a Scammed Pc of a friend.
Heard a few times about this scam but never had the chance to see it.

My first boot showed me the Password screen..
So i thought Simple Sam password reset will do..
I Tried Reset Windows Password 1.90 this will remove the passwords of login screens. After reset and Reboot, the pc still showed the password screen.

Never seen this Password screen before so researched it. then found out its the Syskey? so to remove the syskey I used the Boot disc.

Get Reset Windows Password 1.90
No link find it your self :p (But you probably won´t need it anyway Script will blank them anyway)

How to disable Syskey startup password.
Download this open source Linux script
Script to reset password

How to get in your PC after Microsoft Scammers F*ck your PC!
Today I got the Chance to Play around with a Scammed Pc of a friend.
Heard a few times about this scam but never had the chance to see it.
My first boot showed me the Password screen..
So i...
 This is not the normal windows login screen so i looked a bit further.
I used a boot cd to Reset the Windows Passwords for all accounts:
How to get in your PC after Microsoft Scammers F*ck your PC!
Today I got the Chance to Play around with a Scammed Pc of a friend.
Heard a few times about this scam but never had the chance to see it.
My first boot showed me the Password screen..
So i...
How to get in your PC after Microsoft Scammers F*ck your PC!
Today I got the Chance to Play around with a Scammed Pc of a friend.
Heard a few times about this scam but never had the chance to see it.
My first boot showed me the Password screen..
So i...
How to get in your PC after Microsoft Scammers F*ck your PC!
Today I got the Chance to Play around with a Scammed Pc of a friend.
Heard a few times about this scam but never had the chance to see it.
My first boot showed me the Password screen..
So i...
How to get in your PC after Microsoft Scammers F*ck your PC!
Today I got the Chance to Play around with a Scammed Pc of a friend.
Heard a few times about this scam but never had the chance to see it.
My first boot showed me the Password screen..
So i...
How to get in your PC after Microsoft Scammers F*ck your PC!
Today I got the Chance to Play around with a Scammed Pc of a friend.
Heard a few times about this scam but never had the chance to see it.
My first boot showed me the Password screen..
So i...
How to get in your PC after Microsoft Scammers F*ck your PC!
Today I got the Chance to Play around with a Scammed Pc of a friend.
Heard a few times about this scam but never had the chance to see it.
My first boot showed me the Password screen..
So i...
How to get in your PC after Microsoft Scammers F*ck your PC!
Today I got the Chance to Play around with a Scammed Pc of a friend.
Heard a few times about this scam but never had the chance to see it.
My first boot showed me the Password screen..
So i...
How to get in your PC after Microsoft Scammers F*ck your PC!
Today I got the Chance to Play around with a Scammed Pc of a friend.
Heard a few times about this scam but never had the chance to see it.
My first boot showed me the Password screen..
So i...

How they get control
Tiny Vnc server 0_o
masked in a simple installer
PC is clean now :)

How they get control Tiny Vnc server 0_o

masked in a simple installer ShowMyPCService that the victim needs to download and run:

How they get control
Tiny Vnc server 0_o
masked in a simple installer
PC is clean now :)
How they get control
Tiny Vnc server 0_o
masked in a simple installer
PC is clean now :)
How they get control
Tiny Vnc server 0_o
masked in a simple installer
PC is clean now :)


PC is clean now 🙂


Category: Cleaning, PC, Repair | Comments Off on A friend of my got scammed by fake Microsoft..
September 24

Real time side modification

Yelo.be is a streaming TV site form a provider for internet tv telephone etc…
In every browser today you can hit F12 and change the code real time for a website so you can delete unwanted screen elements.

So below are some screenshots of that mod.

Category: Coding, DIY, Mod´s, PC, Screenshots | Comments Off on Real time side modification